This application is Happy all holiday in Portuguese languages. We prepare and provided almost holidays in country used Portuguese as official languages.
You'll enjoy many happy holidays in one application. Send your holidays greeting cards, holidays messages, holidays quotes, holidays wishes, etc. to your family, friends, sweetheart.
The holidays that we have include and plan to include in the future, as the following
+ Happy New Year : with greeting card, wishes, messages, etc.
+ Happy Heroes'Day
+ Happy Valentine's Day : with love card, love greeting, love wishes, etc.
+ Happy Women's Day
+ Happy Good Friday
+ Happy Easter
+ Happy Labour Day
+ Happy Mother's Day
+ Happy Father's Day
+ Happy Assumption Day
+ Happy Independence Day
+ Happy All Saints Day
+ Happy Children's Day
+ Happy All Souls Day
+ Merry Christmas day
+ etc.
Enjoy whole holidays in one mobile application. It's easy to share your friends on social network such as facebook, whatapps, messenger, line, google+ ,etc.
Install today and enjoy all holiday in Portuguese Languages.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>